Contact Information:

Walnut Ridge High School           

08 E. Free Street

Walnut Ridge, Arkansas 72476

(870)819-0459 school



My Remind  App code to join my classes are the following:

Spanish 1 Code @232hka

Spanish 2 Code @48ak87

ALE Code   @6e3d6f

U.S. History 11th Grade  @83h6f6a


My Class Schedule






8:45 - 9:26

8:00 - 8:46

Spanish II


9:30 - 10:11

8:50 - 9:36

US History


10:15 - 10:56

9:40 - 10:26

Spanish I


11:00 - 11:41

10:30 - 11:16



11:45 - 12:26

11:20 - 12:06

Spanish I


1:00 - 1:41

12:40 - 1:26

US History


 1:45 - 2:26

1:30 - 2:26

Spanish II


2:30 - 3:11

 2:20 - 3:06


Lesson Plans

Week One August

Para empezar        

Learn expressions used to ask and answer how someone is

Learn the difference between tÚ and usted

Listen to, use, and understand greetings

Read and understand a conversation

Learn common classroom commands

Listen and respond to classroom commands

Vocabulary: Greetings vocabulary, classroom commands vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player

Pacing: 45 minutes  

common core Standards

R.CCR.1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9  

State Standards


1. WARM-UP/Evaluate (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources         

Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.         

Practice Workbook P-1

Practice Workbook P-1 Answers

Viernes(Friday) quiz over Greetings

Week Two

Para empezar              

Learn Spanish numbers

Read, practice, and use numbers

Learn how to tell time in Spanish

Ask and tell the time

Listen to and understand time of day

Vocabulary: Numbers vocabulary, telling time vocabulary


Overhead/LCD projector, computer

Pacing: 45 minutes  

common core Standards

R.CCR.1, 2, 4, 5, 7'', 8, 9 SL.CCCR.2, 4, 5, 6L.CCR.4           

State Standards

CMC.1ML1.9 CMC.1.ML1.7

1.WARM-UP/Evaluate (10 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources

Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.                      

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 1

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 1

Practice Workbook P-2

Practice Workbook P-2 Answers

Practice Workbook P-3

Practice Workbook P-3 Answers

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources

Presentation: Los nÚmeros (p. 7)

Play Track 8. Present how to read and say numbers in Spanish.

Actividad 8 Los nÚmeros (p. 7)

Students read the missing number in a sequence.

Actividad 9 MÁs nÚmeros (p. 7)

Students provide missing numbers in a sequence and practice reading the numbers aloud.

Actividad 10 NÚmeros y mÁs nÚmeros (p. 7)

Working with a partner, students practice speaking and writing numbers.

Communicative Activity

Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work.

Presentation: ¿QuÉ hora es? (p. 8)

Play Track 9. Present several phrases for telling time in Spanish.

Actividad 11 ¿QuÉ hora es? (p. 8)

Working with a partner, students ask and answer questions about the time.

Actividad 12 La hora (p. 8)

Play Track 10. Students listen to someone telling time and indicate comprehension.                    

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 24

Cap. PE, Audio Script

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 8 Answers

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 9 Answers

Cap. PE, Communicative Activity

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 25

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 26

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 11 Answers

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 12 Answers

Week 3

Para empezar                 

Speak and write letters and words

Learn about punctuation and accent marks in Spanish

Learn about Mayan hieroglyphics

Ask partners their names and how to spell them

Listen to and spell words

Read and speak about the months of the year

Ask and answer questions about days, months, and dates

Write dates of holiday celebrations

Vocabulary:Days, months, and dates vocabulary

Technology:Overhead/LCD projector, CD player

Pacing:50 minutes  

common core Standards

W.CCR.1, 2, 3, 5, 6, W.CCR.2, 3, 4, SL.CCR.1, 3, 6, L.CCR.1, 4, 5, 6         

State Standards

CMC.1.MLI.5, CMC.1.MLI.1, CMC.2.MLI.3, CMC.2.MLI.6

1. WARM-UP/evaluate (10 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources         

Actividad 5 Pregunta y contesta (p. 12)

Working with a partner, students speak and write letters and words.

Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.                      

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 5 Answers

Practice Workbook P-6

Practice Workbook P-6 Answers

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources

ExploraciÓn del lenguaje: Punctuation and accent marks (p. 13)

Present the information about punctuation and accent marks in Spanish.

Fondo cultural: The Maya (p. 13)

Go over the information and have students respond to the question.

Actividad 6 ¿CÓmo te llamas? (p. 13)

Working with a partner, students ask each other their names and how to spell them.

Actividad 7 Juego (p. 13)

Working with a partner, students practice listening to and spelling new vocabulary.

Audio Activity 4

Play Track 23 and have students complete Audio Activity 4 in class.

Presentation: El calendario y la fecha, Los meses del aÑo (p. 14)

Play Tracks 18 and 19. Present new vocabulary about the calendar and ask questions about days, months, and dates.

Actividad 8 Hoy y maÑana (p. 15)

Working with a partner, students ask and answer questions about days of the week.

Actividad 9 DÍas de fiesta (p. 15)

Students write dates of holiday celebrations.         

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 30

Cap. PE, Audio Script

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 4

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 4

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 8 Answers

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 9 Answers

3. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources          

Audio Activity 5

Play Track 24 and have students complete Audio Activity 5 in class.

Practice Workbook P-7, P-8

Assign P-7 and P-8 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 16)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with el calendario.              

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 5

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 5

Practice Workbook P-7

Practice Workbook P-7 Answers

Practice Workbook P-8

Practice Workbook P-8 Answers

Week 4


Write answers to questions about days of the week

Read about a festival in Pamplona, Spain

Read about the Aztec calendar

Speculate about the Aztec glyphs and calendar

Describe weather conditions and identify seasons

Listen to and identify weather vocabulary

Vocabulary: Weather vocabulary, seasons vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player

Pacing: 55 minutes  

National Standards

W.CCR.1, 2, 3, 10, W.CCR.2, 7         

State Standards


1. WARM-UP/evaluate (10 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources     

Actividad 10 El calendario (p. 16)

Students write answers to questions about days of the week.

Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary                     

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 5

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 5

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 10 Answers

Practice Workbook P-7

Practice Workbook P-7 Answers

Practice Workbook P-8

Practice Workbook P-8 Answers

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources        

Fondo cultural: Los sanfermines (p. 16)

Go over the information and have students respond to the question.

Actividad 11 The Aztec calendar (p. 17)

Students read about the Aztec calendar.

Actividad 12 Glyphs (p. 17)

Students speculate about the Aztec glyphs and calendar.

Writing Activity 7

Have students complete Writing Activity 7 in class.

Presentation: ¿QuÉ tiempo hace?, Las estaciones (p. 18)

Play Track 21. Present information on weather conditions and identifying seasons.

Actividad 1 El tiempo (p. 19)

Play Track 22. Students listen to someone using vocabulary to describe weather conditions and indicate comprehension.             

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 12 Answers

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 7

Writing, Audio & Video Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 7

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 31

Cap. PE, Audio Script

Student book Cap. PE, Act. 1 Answers

3. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources

Prueba PE-2: En la clase

Remind students to prepare for Prueba PE-2, which will be administered during the next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered.           

Prueba P-2, En la clase

Answer Key: Prueba P-2, En la clase

Week 4

classroom objects and weather

Ask and answer questions about the weather and seasons

Read a chart and write about the weather for cities in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Talk about temperatures in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Speak and write about weather in the two hemispheres

Vocabulary: Classroom vocabulary, weather vocabulary,

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, you tube

Pacing: 50 minutes  

National Standards

W.CCR.2, 3, 4, SL.CCR.1, 3, 6  

State Standards

CMC.1.MLI.9, CMC.2.MLI.3,

1. WARM-UP/evauate (20 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources     


Prueba PE-2: En la clase

Administer Prueba PE-2 in class.              

Prueba PE-2, En la clase

Answer Key: Prueba PE-2, En la clase

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba PE-2, En la clase

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba PE-2, En la clase

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources     


Actividad 2 ¿QuÉ tiempo hace? (p. 19)

Students ask and answer questions about the weather.

Actividad 3 Las estaciones (p. 19)

Students ask and answer questions about the weather and seasons.

Actividad 5 ¿Hace calor o hace frÍo? (p. 21)

Students read a chart and write about the weather for cities in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Actividad 6 ¿Y quÉ tiempo hace en...? (p. 21)

Working with a partner, students talk about temperatures in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Writing Activity 8

Have students complete Writing Activity 8 in class.                

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 2 Answers

Act. 2 Answers, Cap. PE

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 8

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 8

3. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources 


Actividad 4 Conexiones: La geografÍa (p. 20)

Students speak and write about weather in the two hemispheres.

Practice Workbook P-9

Assign P-9 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 21)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with el tiempo.

Prueba PE-3: El tiempo

Remind students to prepare for Prueba PE-3, which will be administered during the next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered.

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 15

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 16

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 17

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 4 Answers

Act. 4 Answers, Cap. PE

Practice Workbook: P-9

Practice Workbook: P-9 Answers

Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

Answer Key: Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

Week 5

Para empezar           

Review chapter vocabulary in preparation for the test

Vocabulary: Review Unit Test Weather vocabulary, seasons, numbers days vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player

Pacing: 50 minutes  

National Standards

W.CCR.1, 2, 3, 10SL.CCR.5, 6L.CCR.1, 2, 3     

State Standards


1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (25 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources 


Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.

Prueba PE-3: El tiempo

Administer Prueba PE-3 in class.

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 15

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 16

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 17

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 4 Answers

Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

Answer Key: Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba PE-3, El tiempo

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (20 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Communicative Activity

Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work.

Vocabulario (pp. 22-23)

Review chapter vocabulary with students to prepare them for the Examen del capÍtulo.

PreparaciÓn para el examen 1, 2, 3, 4 (p. 23)

Play Tracks 26 and 27. Have students complete tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in class.

Situation Cards

Assign the Situation Cards as in-class pair work.

Communicative Activities

Assign the Communicative Activities for in-class work.


Ask students to facilitate review sessions within small groups.           

TRB: Cap. PE, Communicative Activity

TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script

TRB: Cap. PE, Vocabulary Clip Art

TRB: Cap. PE, Situation Cards

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, PreparaciÓn para el examen Answers

Answers, Cap. PE

Go Online

3. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources


Practice Workbook P-10, P-11

Assign P-10 and P-11 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online: Self-test (p. 23)

Have students Go Online at home or in class to prepare for the Examen del capÍtulo.

Examen del capÍtulo

Have students begin work on Examen del capÍtulo, Para empezar in class.     

Practice Workbook: P-10

Practice Workbook: P-11

Practice Workbook: P-10 Answers

Practice Workbook: P-11 Answers

Examen del capÍtulo, PE

Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, PE

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capÍtulo, PE

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, PE

Listening Comprehension Scripts

Speaking Proficiency Scripts


Targeted Resources

Friday  --- Unit one Test               

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Listening Comprehension Scripts

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Speaking Proficiency Scripts

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: PE

ExamView, All Students: Test Bank A, Cap. PE

ExamView, All Students: Test Bank B, Cap. PE

ExamView, Heritage Learners: Cap. PE

ExamView, Pre-AP*: Cap. PE

 Week 6 


Learn about Pablo Picasso and cubism

Learn new vocabulary about leisure activities and likes and dislikes

Listen to and understand information about likes and dislikes

Listen to and understand leisure activity words

Vocabulary: Leisure activity vocabulary, likes and dislikes vocabulary

Technology: CD player, Overhead/LCD projector

Pacing: 45 minutes  

National Standards

W.CCR.2, 3, 4  

State Standards


1. WARM-UP/evaluate (10 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Return the Examen del capÍtulo, Para empezar

Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.  

Examen del capÍtulo, PE

Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, PE

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capÍtulo, PE

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, PE

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Objectives (p. 25)

Go over the chapter objectives with students to prepare them for the new material.

Fondo cultural: Pablo Picasso (p. 24)

Go over the information and have students respond to the question.

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparencies 12-20

Atlas, Cap. 1A


Targeted Resources


Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramÁtica en contexto (pp. 26–27)

Play Tracks 1 and 2. Present the new vocabulary about leisure activities and likes and dislikes.

Actividad 1 ¿Te gusta o no te gusta? (p. 27)

Play Track 3. Students listen to someone talk about likes and dislikes and indicate comprehension.

Actividad 2 Me gusta... (p. 27)

Play Track 4. Students indicate listening comprehension of leisure activity vocabulary.

Vocabulary, Cap. 1A

Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 1A

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 32

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 33

TRB: Cap. 1A, Vocabulary Clip Art

TRB: Cap. 1A, Input Script

TPR Stories: Tema 1

TRB: Cap. 1A, Audio Script

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 1 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 2 Answers

Week 7


Learn additional vocabulary and grammar in visual and story context

Watch and listen to the video and understand new vocabulary and grammar in authentic context

Read and demonstrate comprehension of statements about the video

Write and speak about likes and dislikes in a personalized context

Vocabulary: Leisure activity vocabulary, likes and dislikes vocabulary

Technology: VCR/DVD player, CD player, Overhead/LCD projector

Pacing: 45 minutes  

National Standards

R.CCR.1, 4SL.CCR.3, 5R.CCR.1, 2, 4, 5SL.CCR.4, 5, 6        

State Standards


1. WARM-UP/evaluate (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources


Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.

Practice Workbook: 1A-1

Practice Workbook: 1A-2

Practice Workbook: 1A-1 Answers

Practice Workbook: 1A-2 Answers

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Core Instruction: Videohistoria ¿QuÉ te gusta hacer?

Present additional vocabulary and grammar by showing transparencies and having students look at pictures and read descriptions about characters in the Videohistoria. Preview the video. (pp. 28–29)            

Vocabulary, Cap. 1A

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 34

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 35

TRB: Cap. 1A, Audio Script


Targeted Resources


Video Activity 1

Assign Video Activity 1 for in-class work.

View: Videohistoria (p. 28)

Show the video for CapÍtulo 1A. Through multiple viewings, students learn new vocabulary and grammar in context.

Video Activities 2, 3, 4

Assign Video Activities 2, 3, and 4 for in-class work.

Actividad 3 ¿Comprendes? (p. 29)

Students indicate reading comprehension by answering questions about the Videohistoria.

Actividad 4 Y tÚ ¿quÉ dices? (p. 29)

Students write and speak about what they like to do in a personalized context.


Have students do research on one of the places mentioned in the Videohistoria presentation. Ask the students to bring in pictures to add to the visual interest to the written or oral presentation.

TRB: Cap. 1A, Video Script

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 1A, Video Activities 1, 2, 3, 4

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 2A, Video Activities 1, 2, 3, 4

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 3 Answers

Act. 3 Answers, Cap. 1A

Pre-AP* Resource Book: Vocabulary Strategies

Week 8


Learn about infinitives in English and in Spanish

Learn to recognize infinitive endings

Listen for and understand infinitive endings

Use infinitives to describe leisure activities

Listen to, understand, and write about the things a person likes to do

Vocabulary: Leisure activity vocabulary, likes and dislikes vocabulary

Technology: VCR/DVD player, CD player, Overhead/LCD projector

Materials: 3 different colored index cards

Pacing: 50 minutes  

National Standards

R.CCR.1, 2, 4, 5, 8SL.CCR.2L.CCR.4

State Standards


1. WARM-UP/evaluate (15 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.

Prueba 1A-2: Vocabulary production

Administer Prueba 1A-2 in class.

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 1A, Writing Activity 10

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 1A, Writing Activity 10

Prueba 1A-2, Vocabulary production

Answer Key: Prueba 1A-2, Vocabulary production

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 1A-2, Vocabulary production

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 1A-2, Vocabulary production

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (30 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Core Instruction: Infinitives (p. 32)

Present the grammar box about infinitives.

View: GramActiva video (p. 32)

Show the GramActiva video about infinitives.

Actividad 9 ¿CuÁl es? (p. 32)

Students practice recognizing infinitive endings.

Actividad 10 Tres papeles (p. 32)

Play Track 8. Students listen for verb endings and then indicate their comprehension.

Actividad 12 Encuesta: ¿QuÉ te gusta hacer? (p. 33)

Students survey their classmates about likes and dislikes.

Actividad 13 Escucha y escribe (p. 33)

Play Track 9. Students listen to RaÚl and indicate listening comprehension.

Communicative Activity

Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work.

Audio Activity 7

Play Track 10 and have students complete Audio Activity 7 in class.


Have students write their own examples of infinitives after they have been given examples of infinitives in English. Review the differences between infinitives in English and Spanish.


Have students list all the infinitives and infinitive phrases used in the Videohistoria conversation.

Grammar, Cap. 1A

Act. 9, Act. 12 Answers, Cap. 1A

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 9 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 10 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 13 Answers

Act. 10, Act. 13 Audio, Cap. 1A

TRB: Cap. 1A, Video Script

TRB: Cap. 1A, Audio Script

TRB: Cap. 1A, Communicative Activities

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 36


Targeted Resources

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 1A, Audio Activity 7

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 1A, Audio Activity 7

4. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources


Practice Workbook 1A-5

Assign 1A-5 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 33)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with infinitives.

Actividad 11 El verbo es... (p. 33)

Students use a glossary or dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.

Prueba 1A-3: Infinitives

Remind students to prepare for Prueba 1A-3, which will be administered during the next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered.


Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Infinitives. Have students complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice.

Practice Workbook: 1A-5

Practice Workbook: 1A-5 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A, Act. 11 Answers

Act. 11 Answers, Cap. 1A

Prueba 1A-3, Infinitives

Answer Key: Prueba 1A-3, Infinitives

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 1A-3, Infinitives

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 1A-3, Infinitives

QuickTake Quiz 1A-3

Guided Practice Activities: 1A-1, Infinitives


Targeted Resources             

Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: 1A-1, Infinitives

Tema 2, CapÍtulo 2A


Week of    11-17-14 to 11-21-14


Learn about the artist Fernando Botero

Learn new vocabulary about school subjects, school schedules, school supplies, and adjectives

Listen to and understand statements about the school day and schedule

Listen to and understand contextualized vocabulary about the school schedule

Vocabulary: School subjects vocabulary, school schedules vocabulary, school supplies vocabulary, adjectives vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player

Pacing: 50 minutes  

National Standards

1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1

State Standards

CLT.6.SI.1, CLT.6.SI.4, CMN.12.SI.1

1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Return the Examen del capÍtulo 1B

Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.   

Examen del capÍtulo, 1B

Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, 1B

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capÍtulo, 1B

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, 1B

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes)                       

Targeted Resources


Objectives (p. 73)

Go over the chapter objectives with students to prepare them for the new material.

Fondo cultural: Fernando Botero (p. 72)

Go over the information and have students respond to the question.

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 12

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 13

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 15

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 18

Atlas, Cap. 2A


Targeted Resources


Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramÁtica en contexto (pp. 74-75)

Play Tracks 1 and 2. Present new vocabulary about school subjects, school schedules, school supplies, and adjectives.

Actividad 1 ¿SÍ o no? (p. 75)

Play Track 3. Students listen to someone talking about the school day and schedule and indicate comprehension.

Actividad 2 El horario de Alicia (p. 75)

Play Track 4. Students listen to and demonstrate understanding of new vocabulary about the school schedule in context.


Ask students who have attended school in a Spanish-speaking country to describe the differences between school there and school in the United States.


Have students prepare a schedule of their classes like the one in the Presentation on p. 74. Ask students to write three sentences under their schedule: Mi clase favorita es (subject); (Subject) es difÍcil; (Subject) es fÁcil.


Have students write new words into the vocabulary section of their notebooks. Have them look at El horario de Alicia on p. 74 while they listen in Actividades 1 and 2.      

Vocabulary, Cap. 2A

Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 2A

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 48

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 49

TRB: Cap. 2A, Input Script

TRB: Cap. 2A, Vocabulary Clip Art

TRB: Cap. 2A, Audio Script

TPR Stories: Tema 2

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 2A, Act. 1 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 2A, Act. 2 Answers

4. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes)            

Targeted Resources  


Practice Workbook 2A-1, 2A-2

Assign 2A-1 and 2A-2 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 73)

Have students Go Online at home or in class to view the Online Atlas.

Go Online (p. 75)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new vocabulary.




Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check. Have students fill in vocabulary flash cards as in-class work or homework.

para hispanohablantes: A primera vista, 2A. Assign for homework or in-class work.                         

Practice Workbook: 2A-1

Practice Workbook: 2A-2

Practice Workbook: 2A-1 Answers

Practice Workbook: 2A-2 Answers

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Cap. 2A, A primera vista

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: Cap. 2A, A primera vista

Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check

Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check

Week 9

Tema 3, CapÍtulo 3A             

Learn about the painter BartolomÉ Murillo

Learn new vocabulary about foods and beverages eaten for breakfast and lunch

Listen to and understand statements about food and beverages

Listen to and distinguish between statements about breakfast and lunch


Food and beverage vocabulary, breakfast and lunch vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player

Pacing: 50 minutes  

National Standards

W.CCR.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, --W.CCR.2, 3, 4      

State Standards

CMC.3.MLI.2, CMC.2.MLI.3

1. WARM-UP/ASSESS        

Targeted Resources


Return the Examen del capÍtulo

Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.

Examen del capÍtulo, 2B

Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, 2B

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capÍtulo, 2B

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capÍtulo, 2B


Targeted Resources


Objectives (p. 123)

Go over the chapter objectives with students to prepare them for the new material.

Fondo cultural: BartolomÉ Murillo (p. 122)

Go over the information and have students respond to the questions.    

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparencies 12-20

Atlas, Cap. 3A

3. PRESENT/PRACTICE           

Targeted Resources


Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramÁtica en contexto (p. 124)

Play Tracks 1 and 2. Present new vocabulary about foods and beverages eaten for breakfast and lunch.

Actividad 1 ¿Beber o comer? (p. 125)

Play Track 3. Students listen to someone talk about food and beverage vocabulary.

Actividad 2 ¿El desayuno o el almuerzo? (p. 125)

Play Track 4. Students listen to someone talk about food vocabulary and distinguish between breakfast and lunch.


Ask students to name fruits, vegetables, and meats that are popular in their heritage countries. Have them give an example of where these products are available in their community.


Provide students with a two-column chart to help them organize vocabulary.

Have students write grocery lists with four or five items from the picture on p. 124. Working in pairs, have students take turns reading prices from the advertisement while their partner checks items off the list.

Vocabulary, Cap. 3A

Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 3A

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 65

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 66

TRB: Cap. 3A, Input Script

TRB: Cap. 3A, Vocabulary Clip Art

TPR Stories: Tema 3

TRB: Cap. 3A, Audio Script

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 3A, Act. 1 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 3A, Act. 2 Answers


Targeted Resources


Practice Workbook 3A-1, 3A-2

Assign 3A-1 and 3A-2 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 123)

Have students Go Online at home or in class to view the Online Atlas.

Go Online (p. 125)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new vocabulary.


para hispanohablantes: A primera vista, 3A. Assign for homework or in-class work.                        

Practice Workbook: 3A-1

Practice Workbook: 3A-2

Practice Workbook: 3A-1 Answers

Practice Workbook: 3A-2 Answers

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Cap. 3A, A primera vista

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: Cap. 3A, A primera vista

Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check

Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check

Week 10

Tema 4, CapÍtulo 4A


Learn additional vocabulary and grammar in visual and story context

Watch and listen to the video and understand new vocabulary and grammar in authentic context

Read and demonstrate comprehension of statements about the video

Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player, VCR/DVD player

Pacing: 50 minutes

National Standards

1.2, 1.3

State Standards

CMC.1.SI.4, CMC.1.SI.6, CMN.12.SI.2

1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes)    

Targeted Resources    


Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.

Practice Workbook: 4A-1

Practice Workbook: 4A-2

Practice Workbook: 4A-1 Answers

Practice Workbook: 4A-2 Answers

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes)

Targeted Resources


Core Instruction: Videohistoria Un chico reservado (pp. 174-175)

Present additional vocabulary and grammar by showing transparencies and having students look at pictures and read dialogue between characters in the Videohistoria. Preview the video.

Video Activity 1

Assign Video Activity 1 for in-class work.

View: Videohistoria (p. 174)

Show the video for CapÍtulo 4A. Through multiple viewings, students learn new vocabulary and grammar in context.

Vocabulary, Cap. 4A

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 83

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 84

TRB: Cap. 4A, Audio Script

TRB: Cap. 4A, Video Script

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 1

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 1


Targeted Resources


Video Activities 2, 3, 4

Assign Video Activities 2, 3, and 4 for in-class work.

Actividad 3 ¿Comprendes? (p. 175)

Students indicate reading comprehension by answering questions about the Videohistoria.


Have students rewrite the dialogue for the various characters in the Videohistoria, substituting other activities or places that they’ve learned. They may also personalize it using names of classmates.


Have students write a short paragraph telling what they usually do each day of the week. Verify their spelling and have them make necessary corrections before placing the paragraphs in their portfolios.

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 2

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 3

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 4

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 2

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 3

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A, Video Activity 4

Act. 3 Answers, Cap. 4A

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A, Act. 3 Answers


Targeted Resources


Practice Workbook 4A-3, 4A-4

Assign 4A-3 and 4A-4 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 175)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new vocabulary.

Prueba 4A-1: Vocabulary recognition

Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4A-1, which will be administered during the next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered.

Practice Workbook: 4A-3

Practice Workbook: 4A-4

Practice Workbook: 4A-3 Answers

Practice Workbook: 4A-4 Answers

Prueba 4A-1, Vocabulary recognition

Answer Key: Prueba 4A-1, Vocabulary recognition

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-1, Vocabulary recognition

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-1, Vocabulary recognition

QuickTake Quiz 4A-1

Tema 4, CapÍtulo 4A


Talk about activities and how often people do them

Practice using vocabulary for leisure activities

Ask and tell about where you go on specific days

Learn about the verb ir

Read and write forms of the verb ir in context

Read a letter and orally answer questions about it

Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary

Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player, VCR/DVD player

Pacing: 50 minutes

National Standards

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.1

State Standards

CMC.2.SI.1, CMC.2.SI.3, CMP.10.SI.1

1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes)

Targeted Resources


Actividad 9 Cuando no estamos en la escuela... (p. 179)

Students talk about activities and how often people do them.

Homework check

Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary.

Prueba 4A-2: Vocabulary production

Administer Prueba 4A-2 in class.


If students have trouble with mathematical skills in Actividad 9, give them the formula for converting percentages. Allow them to use calculators as necessary.

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 11

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A, Writing Activity 10

Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A, Writing Activity 10

Prueba 4A-2, Vocabulary production

Answer Key: Prueba 4A-2, Vocabulary production

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-2, Vocabulary production

REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-2, Vocabulary production

2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes)

Targeted Resources


Actividad 8 ¿AdÓnde vas? (p. 178)

Students ask and tell about where they go on specific days using vocabulary for leisure activities.

Communicative Activity

Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work.

Core Instruction: The verb ir (p. 180)

Present the grammar box about the verb ir.

View: GramActiva Video (p. 180)

Show the GramActiva video about the verb ir.

Actividad 11 Un invierno en Chile (p. 180)

Students read and write forms of the verb ir in context.

Actividad 12 La carta (p. 181)

Students read a letter and orally answer questions about it.


Have students research places to go in Chile and present their information as a postcard. They may use pictures from the Internet or magazines to make the postcard.

TRB: Cap. 4A, Communicative Activities

Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 85

TRB: Cap. 4A, Video Script

Grammar, Cap. 4A

Act. 11 Answers, Cap. 4A

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A, Act. 11 Answers

Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A, Act. 12 Answers

Act. 12 Answers, Cap. 4A


Targeted Resources


Writing Activity 11

Assign Writing Activity 11 for homework or in-class work.

Go Online (p. 183)

Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the verb ir.


Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: The verb ir. Have students complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice.